Monday, March 12, 2012

MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY-...FEELINGS AREN'T FACTS... Sometimes events in life seem to lift us up on a wave of happiness and excitement and at other times life seems to be so full of problems, worries, and endless work that it feels like a deadening of that inner part of us where joy and inspiration once lived.
 So what can we do?

We can, first, be wary of making judgments based solely on what "it feels like". Making judgments that way is also known as EMOTIONAL REASONING, and when we use only emotions and we don't make an effort to examine the facts, we can make big mistakes. Like, for example, believing that joy and inspiration have been destroyed forever.That's a tragic mistake.

If we really think deeply about our whole lives, most us can remember having gotten a cut, a bruise,  a sprain, or a fracture and it felt like we would never have the joy of being whole again. And then with time, the right care (and sometimes we had to really search for the best method ), and perseverance, the injury healed and we could feel the joy of being whole again. 

But how does that help us if the problems are more complicated than a simple cut or a bruise? For an answer, ask yourself what do people do if the injury is more serious, like a fracture? When you have your answer...think about  how you  can use that basic principle to begin your journey back to your joy and inspiration and we'll continue the journey tomorrow on TRANQUIL TUESDAY.


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