Thursday, December 15, 2011

What Does COPOW Mean?

"COPOW" is just a short way of saying Cognitive Power. In my practice as a psychiatrist, my patients who use COPOW/ Mental Self Defense (or Cognitive Therapy) feel better much faster, are more likely to stay healthy with less medication, fewer therapy sessions, and are more likely to stay out of the hospital. They're also more likely to stay free from clinical depression, anxiety, and stress-related disorders. Those very few who have needed hospitalization, have shorter hospital stays than the predicted average. This translates to faster relief for my patients, and lower health care costs which is a central goal of healthcare reform.

Cognitive refers to your thoughts or your mind. Power has been defined as a thing having control or command, as well as speed in doing work.

Together, "COPOW" really stands for your mind's power to quickly control your health, both emotional and physical.
How much Power?

Think about this: Your mind can process 24-40 bits of information per second. What does that mean? Picture any busy place where peole or objects are moving around like downtown of a big city at rush hour or a popular beach on a sunny weekend. What did your mind just do?

Computer users know that when you create or store a picture of a moving image, it takes a tremendous amount of memory space. That's only a small fraction of what your mind can do. In one second, if you entered that scene you pictured, your mind would process and recognize all kinds of colors, shapes, textures, symbols, sounds, smells, and that's not even using all the senses we have, like feeling a breeze in the air. All that in just one second! So your mind is really incredibly powerful and fast. We just don't normally think of our minds as being powerful, but when we recognize that power we can use it to help us feel better, stronger, and happier. That's what cognitive therapy is all about and I feel lucky that I was taught how to use it when I was trained as a young psychiatrist.

Mental Self Defense is a system of techniques designed to allow all of us to tap into that cognitive or mind power.  The power is vastly magnified by repeating the technique of detecting, and identifying any thoughts and images in your own mind that are destructive or unhealthy, and using the systematic techniques to shift your focus of attention to more constructive, uplifting ways of seeing yourself and the world around you.

When you have COPOW under your belt, you can systemically focus on healthy, common sense ideas, and images to improve your emotional and physical health, and feel better.

Dale J. Anderson, M.D.

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